NQ Academy is a geothermal center of excellence under NewQuest Geotechnology that offers training courses, webinars, e-learning as well as corporate in-house courses for improving knowledge and skills in geothermal resources and technology.
NQ Academy objective is to contribute to the development of national human resources in geothermal industry, udergraduate and postgraduate as well as geotermal stakeholders. There are several programs of NQ Academy as the following:
- Professional Training Course Services
This training course program is packed densely and comprehensively with specific topics for geothermal industry needs. - In-House Training Services
This program is organized by NQ Academy for capacity building of Partners’ HR intensively and exclusively. The topic, schedule, and venue can be discussed on the basis of company needs. - NQ Academy Webinar
NQ Academy Webinar is held with the aim of encouraging the development of geothermal energy discussing about Technology, Innovation, Best Practices, and Strategies in the geothermal development process in Indonesia. - Students Internship & Final Project Research
NQ Academy also provides opportunities for undergraduate and prostgraduate students to conduct practical works, final project research and internship with supervision and research facilities from NQ Data Processing and Inversion Laboratory.
For further information about NQ Academy programs, please contact: [email protected]